A new partnership with national parks to save whitebark pine
Photo: Glacier National Park

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People, wildlife and the planet benefit from forests. How so? Take our quiz to test your knowledge and learn more.

Our Programs
Tree Equity
Trees are vital to our health and wealth. But a map of tree cover in cities is too often a map of income and race; trees are sparse in low-income neighborhoods and some neighborhoods of color. Our Tree Equity program strives to create Tree Equity — trees where they are needed the most.
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Resilient Forests
Our Resilient Forests program focuses on restoring large forests in natural landscapes so they can adapt to the impacts of climate change, capture and store carbon, protect our water supply and provide habitat for wildlife.
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There is a lot you can do to ensure that our forests in cities and large landscapes are healthy for generations to come. Be a voice for forests.
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Every gift helps American Forests restore forests in cities and large landscapes — for people, wildlife and the planet. Give today and help us protect forests for tomorrow.
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Photo: Sandie Clarke / Unsplash
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